Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Updates and Summer Practice

August 9th - Varsity Squad Meeting with Mr. Stowe- Time TBA

August 14-17 - Summer Practice- required, 10 AM to 4:30 PM

Be sure to bring a digital timer, a ream of printer paper (2 is preferable), multi-colored pens. It's also a good idea to bring a composition book and a 1"-2"3-ring binder. Bring a laptop if you have one.

If you haven't sent me an email yet, please do so that I can have all of your email addresses. My email is chris at christopherstowe dot com.

When your partner goes for the wrong thing in the 2NR:
When a novice asks the same question over and over in CX:
When your students forget to bring flow paper or just don't flow:
When your partner drops a turn, but sits down with 30 seconds left in a rebuttal:

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Howdy Bears!

Roadmap: I'm gonna go 13-off and case.  

Just kidding.

As Ms. Nix-B introduced, I'm Mr. Stowe. I'm excited to get to work with you guys, and continue the success of the program at MHS. I've been involved with forensics for over ten years as a competitor, judge, and coach. My background is in policy debate and extemp, but I've competed in or coached nearly every event. I love pretty much everything about forensics, except maybe LD. ;)

I attended THE Magnolia High School when the forensics program was me and three other people- one of whom would become my wife. (Don't worry about allegiances; I don't know anybody there anymore.). I attended college in Utah at BYU (Rise and Shout!) and UVU (Go Wolverines! The animal- not Hugh Jackman) and majored in Communication. I hate snow, so I moved back to land of Blue Bell and Dr. Pepper as fast as I could; my wife literally picked me up from campus in the moving van right after my last final. 

I'm looking forward to meeting you all, working hard, having fun, and winning some championships. If any of you need to get in contact with me this summer my email is We have tentatively scheduled practice for sometime in August. Check back for more updates. 

Vote AFF.

Friday, June 15, 2012

You've been anxiously awaiting the news...

Good news, Bears!  You have a new coach for the 2012-13 debate season.  Mr. Stowe comes to MHS most recently from Navasota, and is eager to take on you pack of wild and crazy bears!  I believe he will be checking the blog from time to time, so let him know if you have any questions.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reject the Path Dependence of Junior High!

Incoming Freshmen:
We will post summer practice dates and times on this blog no later than the end of March.  If you decide not to sign up for the class but are interested in competing with us, you are still required to attend summer practice.

If you would like to join the team, and the class in particular, please make sure to email your contact information to the coach:

Thanks to those who have already emailed!!
